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Amazon Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Illinois

Amazon Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Illinois

Amazon Faces Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Illinois


Parents of one of the six victims that were killed last month after a tornado struck an Amazon warehouse located in Edwardsville, Illinois, has sued Amazon over the wrongful death of their son.

As per the lawsuit, the parents of the plaintiff sued Amazon, a construction company and real estate developer, by alleging that they failed to take appropriate care to protect the workers from such hazards as the EF-3 tornado that resulted in their son's death.

The deceased was working as an independent contractor making deliveries for Amazon and sought shelter in a bathroom at the facility during the incident. The mother of the deceased alleged that the e-commerce giant opted for profits over the lives lost as Amazon did not opt to evacuate the workers promptly.

The spokesperson for the company said that it will continue to defend against the lawsuit as Amazon's focus was always on supporting the employees and the partners. She even added that severe weather watches are common in the area, which mandates businesses to shut down during such calamities, as a result, Amazon had to close the facility and give refuge to their employees.

The attorney for the plaintiff argued that the climate control department issued warnings of a tornado in the area throughout the day. Yet, Amazon continued the operations for the day by risking the lives of the employees.


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