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Our Services Include The Following:

Bookmarking and Tagging -

Medical records are read thoroughly and all the relevant medical events are highlighted and tagged with notes.

Analysis -

After bookmarking and tagging, all the medical events are arranged in a chronological order which helps to understand the course of a personal injury case. For mass torts, it helps to identify the proof of usage and injury.

Identify the Missing elements -

A chronologically arranged case helps to identify the missing medical records which may be needed to make the case strong.

Identify the validity/eligibility -

A final conclusion on the case can be derived once the entire set of medical records are analyzed and all the missing records are reviewed.

Expert Opinion -

This aids attorneys to gauge the future of the case concerning the quality of life, expenses incurred or worth of the legal case or amount of compensation.

Neural IT Benefits

Secure Web-Based Technology
Medical Expertise
Multiple revisions and updates possible
Customized Deliverables
Round the clock support
Transparency and timely communication
Saves Time


What Do You Mean By Medical Record Review?

Medical record review means screening the given records to highlight and capture all the relevant evidence of usage of drug/device, injuries, medical events along with medical provider/facility, date, time details.

Who Does The Medical Reviews?

Medical Doctors.

How Much Time Is Required For Doing Medical Record Review?

We approximately are able to cover 35- 40 pages per hour depending upon the requirement and complexity of cases.

How Can I Share The Medical Records?

Through our complementary web portal- Entrust.

How Will You Charge Me?

Pricing at $25/hr

How Can I Get The Review Done As Per My Criteria?

You can share the criteria required either in the form of a spreadsheet or email the details to us. We will make a customized review sheet and provide you the data.

What Will Be The Output Of The Review?

The medical review report generated is chronologically arranged, book marked, tagged and bate stamped to highlight key alleged injuries and proof.

How Will These Reviews Help Me In Mass Tort Litigation?

The chronologically arranged medical record reports identify the validity of Proof of Usage to the Proof of Injury that helps to know the eligibility of the case helping attorneys estimate the worth of the case.

What Types Of Cases Are Medically Reviewed?

Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Mass Torts.

How Is Confidentiality Maintained?

Neural IT is ISO 27001 Certified and HIPAA Compliant Company ensuring a complete secure channel.

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