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Defendants Ordered To Pay $24.5M For Woman's C-Section Death

Defendants Ordered To Pay $24.5M For Woman's C-Section Death

Defendants Ordered To Pay $24.5M For Woman's C-Section Death


On April 17, a jury in Broward County awarded $24.5 million to the family of a woman who died due to excessive bleeding after giving birth to her daughter in July 2015.

According to the court records, the victim, was scheduled for a Cesarean section delivery of her child at 10 a.m. on July 21, 2015. However, the procedure was not performed until after midnight on July 22, 2015. The lawsuit stated, she bled to death due to massive bleeding after she delivered her daughter through a C-section at Broward General.

The defendants included four doctors, and Phoenix Obstetrics Gynecology, LLC, who admitted negligence and causation. The jury awarded $3.675 million to the victim's husband; $4.9 million to each of their older children. The four were earlier awarded $1 million each. The youngest daughter was awarded $6.125 million for the loss of parental companionship, instruction, and guidance; her pain and suffering due to her mother's death.

A similar incident occurred in November 2017 when a couple filed a medical negligence and malpractice lawsuit against a medical center in California. The doctors performed a C-section surgery on the woman during her pregnancy without anesthesia. Although the woman was safe she suffered from immense pain that resulted in her passing out, post the surgery.


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