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Mirena IUD Lawsuits: Science Day Convenes

Mirena IUD Lawsuits: Science Day Convenes

Mirena IUD Lawsuits: Science Day Convenes


Mirena Pseudotumor cerebri lawsuits, filed against Bayer Healthcare, are centralized as a part of MDL: 2767, established in April 2017, for coordinated pre-trial proceedings in the Southern District of New York, before Judge Paul A. Engelmayer. The MDL has over 400 product liability cases filed under it and is still in the growing stage.
The lawsuits are filed by women who allege that the intrauterine device (IUD) maker failed to adequately warn the medical community and the end users about the associated risks. Allegations raised against the IUD maker include that the device caused blurred vision, severe headaches, back pain,  and other symptoms related to pseudotumor cerebri (PTC), or idiopathic intracranial hypertension [IIH], a medical condition involving a dangerous build-up of fluid pressure around the brain.

The ‘Science Day’ hearing scheduled to convene on April 9 will educate the Court about the link between the Mirena implant and build-up of fluid pressure in the brain leading to severe complications. Judge Engelmayer is expected to review the presentations that will cover the female reproductive system, contraception, the Mirena IUD and how it’s used; how PTC/IIH affects patients, and how it is diagnosed and treated, as well as its incidence rate in the population. The hearing will also address different types of scientific evidence and how they apply to linking the Mirena to PTC/IIH injuries.

According to a court order (PDF) issued on March 30, Daubert hearings are scheduled for April 10 and 11, permissible to carry over to April 12 if need be.


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