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Plaintiff Claims That Recalled Valsartan Led To Liver Cancer

Plaintiff Claims That Recalled Valsartan Led To Liver Cancer

Plaintiff Claims That Recalled Valsartan Led To Liver Cancer


A plaintiff filed a lawsuit against generic drug makers of Valsartan in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, alleging that he was diagnosed with liver cancer due to its side effects.

According to the complaint filed, generic drug makers like Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical, Co., Princeton Pharmaceutical, Solco Healthcare, and Walgreens Boots Alliance were responsible for distributing contaminated blood pressure pills. The plaintiff indicated that he took generic valsartan-containing drugs (VCDs) in August 2016, for the treatment of high blood pressure and continued to take pills until July 2018, when it was discovered that the pills were contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals that were a byproduct of the manufacturing process.

The case joins a growing number of valsartan lawsuits filed in recent months by individuals indicating that they were left with a number of other types of cancer, including liver cancer, kidney cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, and other injuries following exposure to NDMA or NDEA.

Valsartan claims are consolidated under MDL No. 2875 (In re Valsartan Products Liability Litigation) in the United States District Court, District of New Jersey, presided by Judge Robert B. Kugler, U.S.D.J and Hon. Joel Schneider, U.S.M.J.


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