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Sanofi Wins Second Taxotere Lawsuit

Sanofi Wins Second Taxotere Lawsuit

Sanofi Wins Second Taxotere Lawsuit


Sanofi secures a second win in litigation surrounding its chemotherapy drug Taxotere after the company proved that it provided adequate warnings about the risk of the drug’s usage to the plaintiff.

As per the lawsuit filed by the plaintiff in 2016, she claims that she suffered permanent hair loss in 2008 post the usage of Taxotere that is used to treat breast cancer. She accused that the company was aware that the drug could result in permanent hair loss rather than temporary hair loss but failed to warn the doctors about it.

As per the court documents presented in a New Orleans federal court, Sanofi warned the plaintiff that the drug could cause alopecia or permanent hair loss. The spokesperson for Sanofi said that the company appreciates the jury's decision and is satisfied that the warnings included by the company about Taxotere are sufficient.

However, the attorneys representing the plaintiff were disappointed with the verdict, but they are confident that the evidence provided against Sanofi can be helpful to get positive verdicts in future litigations. The plaintiff is looking forward to appealing the verdict.

The case is been overseen along with thousands of other cases by U.S. District Judge Jane Triche Milazzo of the Eastern District of Louisiana. The attorney general of New Jersey, California, Delaware and Mississippi has also sued the company for illicitly marketing the drug.


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