$2.05m Medical Malpractice Verdict Sparks Change in MN Law
$2.05m Medical Malpractice Verdict Sparks Change in MN Law

In a case underscoring the significance of patient rights and medical accountability, a Duluth jury has awarded a $2.05 million verdict in a medical malpractice lawsuit.
The case centers on a man who experienced severe complications after a surgical team at Essentia - St. Mary's inadvertently left a laparotomy sponge inside him during a July 2021 procedure. This critical error resulted in a severe infection, disrupted his cancer treatment, and caused a loss of companionship for his wife. Initially, St. Mary's denied any responsibility, leading the couple to seek legal assistance.
However, they encountered a major obstacle: at that time, Minnesota was the only state without a “survivorship” law, which meant that if a person with a valid injury claim died before their trial, the claim would die with them. Given the plaintiff's stage 4 cancer diagnosis, many attorneys were hesitant to take on the case.
In November, the hospital extended a settlement offer of $175,000, a figure that fell far short of reflecting the gravity of the negligence and its profound impact on the couple's lives. Despite this, the couple’s legal team persisted, bringing the case to trial. On July 3, 2024, nearly three years after the incident, the jury delivered a verdict of $2.05 million—more than ten times the amount of the settlement offer.
This verdict not only compensates the couple but also emphasizes the critical need for medical accountability and robust patient rights. It highlights the power of perseverance and the importance of legislative change in ensuring justice for all patients, regardless of their prognosis.