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$5.7M Public University Claims To Be Settled By Iowa

$5.7M Public University Claims To Be Settled By Iowa

$5.7M Public University Claims To Be Settled By Iowa


Iowa will pay $5.7 million to settle eight separate discrimination and negligence claims at its public universities. The settlements will include a $3.5 million compensation to a couple who sued UI Hospitals and Clinics doctors for medical negligence during the birth of their daughter that resulted in permanent brain damage to the infant. A Massachusetts sound technician who got hurt while working on a musical concert at the University of Northern Iowa in 2018 will also get $1.8 million as a settlement. Three former UI police officers who accused the institution and its administrators of age and disability discrimination in 2018 will get a total of $150,000. A student of the University of Iowa who slipped from her motorized scooter on diesel fuel spilled over from a campus bus will get $25,000. The accident resulted in the neck, shoulder, and hand injuries for the student and even damaged her vehicle. The UI physician group will pay $2.7 million of the total $5.7 million settlement as the court has held UI Hospitals and Clinics responsible for the medical negligence. The remaining $3 million will be funded by the state general fund.

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