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$30M Verdict In A Broken Ankle & Ended With Death Case

$30M Verdict In A Broken Ankle & Ended With Death Case

$30M Verdict In A Broken Ankle & Ended With Death Case


A plaintiff received a $30 million verdict in a medical malpractice case, involving his wife against Baptist Health Medical Group Orthopedics, and its doctors.

According to the lawsuit filed, the plaintiff's wife, who was in her 70s initially suffered an ankle injury for which she consulted a doctor at Baptist Health Medical Group Orthopedics. There was swelling, which had to decrease before the doctors could perform surgery, and she also had a risk factor for developing deep venous thrombosis.

The doctor directed blood pressure and blood-thinning medication and asked to put pressure on the leg at regular intervals to stimulate blood movement and avoid a clot. The plaintiff's wife was referred to St. Anne’s Rehab, where another doctor was treating her. 

The attorney representing the plaintiffs alleged that the rehab's doctor neglected the worsening condition of the lady, following which she died under his care, from blood clots on February 7, 2016.

The jury held Baptist Health Medical Group Orthopedics' doctor 5% and rehab's doctor 95% liable. $1.5 million as the final judgment was entered for the plaintiff, and a confidential settlement was entered with the rehab's doctor for the remaining balance.


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