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Man Files Malpractice Suit Against A Suffield Medical Center

Man Files Malpractice Suit Against A Suffield Medical Center

Man Files Malpractice Suit Against A Suffield Medical Center


Following the untimely death of a local man last year at the age of 39, a local medical practice is being sued.

The practice, Suffield Medical Centre LLC and Suffield Medical Associates, as well as a physician assistant, are named in the complaint as having treated the victim negligently in the days leading up to his death on June 25 from bacterial meningitis and failing to maintain accurate records of his medical history.

The plaintiff was a longtime resident of Suffield who attended Suffield High School and served in the Marine Corps for four years after graduating in 2000. The case was brought by the victim's wife on behalf of her late spouse.

The guy allegedly contacted Suffield Medical Centre on June 23, 2022, complaining of a 104-degree temperature, muscular ache, exhaustion, and a cough.

That afternoon, he participated in a telemedicine consultation with a medical assistant, who determined that he had a temperature and a cough. According to the complaint, the deceased was instructed to drink plenty of water and return in three to four days if he didn't feel better.

He was admitted to the hospital two days later due to respiratory difficulty, and that evening he passed away from bacterial meningitis.

The complaint criticizes the choice to conduct a remote evaluation of him. The guy was especially susceptible to bacterial infection since his spleen had been removed.

According to the complaint, the practitioners neglected to take that danger into account, failed to visit the victim in person, or gave him instructions to seek an examination at another hospital or emergency room.

According to the complaint, the practice neglected to provide antibiotics for the sufferer. The victim's wife is suing for damages in excess of the $15,000 cap set by the court.


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