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Read our articles to get in-depth knowledge of the mass torts, medical devices, and drugs under litigation. 

Talcum Powder Lawsuit: Creating a Landmark Identity!

While it seemed the tides had finally changed in favor of Johnson & Johnson (J&J) this March when the Missouri state court jury ruled in its favor, ringing in its first victory. However, this elated feeling was extremely short-lived; not…

Statute of Limitations: A Burden or Boon?

A personal injury case arises when one person suffers physical damage or mental trauma as a result of an accident or injury, for which some other person, company, or a group is held legally responsible. A personal injury claim goes through civil…

On the RoundUp

On the RoundUp: Herbicide Vs. Pesticide: What's More to Unearth?Roundup herbicide, one of the world's renowned and topmost selling herbicide, was once considered a blessed boon for the agriculture fields around the world. It ruled the market as an…

A Quick Eyeball of Lawful May! & What Lies Ahead

May 2017 brought in some interesting news and critical milestones were crossed in the MDL litigations. One such landmark and record-setting verdicts came in from the jury of the Missouri Court, ordering Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to pay $110…

Essure A Contraceptive Device in Debate

When a product promises the sky but fails to deliver, one anticipates a legal battle between its users and the manufacturer/s; Essure has met with a similar fate. Essure® is an intrauterine device developed by Conceptus Inc., a subsidiary of Bayer…
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