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Stay updated about the latest events at Neural IT and across the world in terms of legal and medical services.

NJAJ - Meadowlands 2016

Neural IT proudly exhibited and sponsored an iPhone 7 at the 2016 NJAJ -

MTMP Spring 2017

Neural IT exhibited at the MTMP Spr

NJAJ Boardwalk Seminar 2017

Neural IT exhibited at the NJAJ Boardwalk Seminar 2017 held at Harrah's

AAJ Annual Convention 2017

Neural IT sponsored TRT meeting was one of the active participants of AA

MTMP Fall Conference - 2017

We donated to Hurricane Relief Fund and got a signed ball from Kareem Ab

2nd Quarter 2018 ‘Rewards & Recognition Program’ Celebrations

2nd Quarter 2018 ‘Rewards & Recognition Program’ Celebrations at NEU

Neural IT Celebrates 14 Jubilant years of Accomplishments & Achievements!

Neural IT Celebrates 14 Jubilant years of Accomplishments & Achievem

MTMP Spring Conference - 2018

Neural IT Team got to pose with Mike Papantonio at the successful book s

3rd Quarter 2018 ‘Rewards & Recognition Program’ Celebrations

Neural IT recognizes and appreciates employees for toughing it out, lear

Fire Safety Drill at Neural IT

In case a fire breaks out in your w

Free Trials of Demand Letters & Medical Record Review     
+ Get A 10% Discount On Your First Billing.
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